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Revision as of 21:03, 5 December 2018

Citation CAS
2017 Insurance Expense Exhibit. 2017 IEE [[]]
Actuarial Standards Board of the American Academy of Actuaries, “Actuarial Standard of Practice, No. 20, Discounting of Property/Casualty Unpaid Claim Estimates,” September 2011. ASOP 20 ASOP.20
Actuarial Standards Board of the American Academy of Actuaries, “Actuarial Standard of Practice No. 36, Statements of Actuarial Opinion Regarding Property/Casualty Loss and Loss Adjustment Expense Reserves,” December 2010, updated for deviation language in May 2011. ASOP 36 ASOP.36
Actuarial Standards Board of the American Academy of Actuaries, “Actuarial Standard of Practice No. 41, Actuarial Communications,” December 2010. ASOP 41 ASOP.41
Actuarial Standards Board of the American Academy of Actuaries, “Actuarial Standard of Practice No. 43, Property/Casualty Unpaid Claim Estimates,” June 2007, updated for deviation language in May 2011. ASOP 43 ASOP.43
American Academy of Actuaries, Task Force on Materiality, “Materiality, Concepts on Professionalism,” Discussion Paper, Professionalism Series, 2006, No. 8, June 2006. AAA Materiality AAA.Materiality
Baribeau, A.G., “Demystifying the Regulatory Web,” Actuarial Review, March/April 2016. Baribeau Baribeau.Regs
Blanchard, R.S.; and Klann, J., “Basic Reinsurance Accounting–Selected Topics,” CAS Study Note, October 2012. Blanchard and Klann BK.Reins
Committee on Property and Liability Financial Reporting, American Academy of Actuaries, “A Public Policy Practice Note, Statements of Actuarial Opinion on Property & Casualty Loss Reserves, 2017.” Exclude Appendix I.1.3 NAIC Title SAO Instructions and Appendix IV. SSAPs. Note that SSAP 5R, 9, 53, 55, 62R, and 65 found in Appendix IV are readings for Learning Objectives C1 and E1 for this exam. COPLFR P&C Practice Note COPLFR.SAO
Cook, Mary Ann, ed., Personal Insurance, (Second Edition), The Institutes, 2013, pp. 2.13-2.15 and 7.32-7.36. Cook Cook.Personal
Feldblum, S., "IRS Loss Reserve Discounting," CAS Study Note, 2017, pp. 1-26, excluding Appendix and endnotes. Feldblum (Loss Reserve Discounting) Feldblum.Discount
Feldblum, S., “Rating Agencies,” CAS Study Note, October 3, 2011, pp. 1-7 and 14-15 (stop at Best’s Capital Adequacy Ratio) and Appendix A. Candidates are not responsible for Section 4, Section 5 beginning at Best's Capital Adequacy Ratio on p. 15, Appendices B-D, and the endnotes. Feldblum (Rating Agencies) Feldblum.Ratings
Feldblum, S., “Statutory Surplus: Computation, Pricing and Valuation,” CAS Study Note, June 2003, including errata. Candidates are not responsible for the endnotes. Feldblum (Surplus) Feldblum.Surplus
Financial Accounting Standards Board, Accounting Standards Codification 944, “Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts,” 2011, Section 15, Scope and Scope Exceptions, paragraphs 15-1 to 15-2; 15-5 to 15-7; 15-34 to 15-35; 15-41 to 15-44; and 15-49 to 15-54. Candidates are not responsible for material relating to longduration contracts and/or life insurance. ASC 944-020-15 FASB.944
Freihaut, D.; and Vendetti, P., “Common Pitfalls and Practical Considerations in Risk Transfer Analysis,” Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Spring 2009. Appendices A and B are for information only and will not be directly tested. Freihaut & Vendetti Freihaut.Reins
“GAO Report to Congressional Requesters, Risk Retention Groups, Clarifications Could Facilitate States’ Implementation of the Liability Risk Retention Act,” United States Government Accountability Office, GAO-12-16, December 2011, pp. 5-7 and 34- 38. GAO Report GAO.Report
Germani, W., et al., "Government Insurers Study Note,” CAS Study Note, April 2017, pp. 1-16. Government Insurers Study Note Germani.GovtIns
Horn, D. and Brown, J., “Introduction to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP),” Congressional Research Service, September 12, 2017, pp. 1-25. Horn & Brown Horn.Flood
Karapiperis, Dimitri; Birnbaum, Birny; Brandenberg, Aaron; Castagna, Sandra; Greenberg, Allen; Harbage, Robin; and Obersteadt, Anne, Usage-Based Insurance and Vehicle Telematics: Insurance Market and Regulatory Implications, National Association of Insurance Commissioners, CIPR Study, March 2015, pp. 1-16 (excluding section on Tower Watson’s DriveAbility) and 42-60. NAIC Telematics NAIC.Telematics
King, R. “The National Flood Insurance Program: Status and Remaining Issues for Congress,” Congressional Research Service, February 6, 2013, pp. 1-32. King
Klann, J., “Reinsurance Commutation,” 2013. Klann Klann.ReinsComm
Kucera, J., “NAIC Public Hearing on Credit-Based Insurance Scores,” American Academy of Actuaries, April 30, 2009. Kucera Kucera.Credit
McCarty, K.M., “Testimony of Kevin M. McCarty, Florida Insurance Commissioner, Florida Office of Insurance Regulation and Representing the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Regarding: ‘The Impact of Credit-Based Insurance Scoring on the Availability and Affordability of Insurance,’ May 21, 2008,” Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the House Committee on Financial Services, excluding Appendices 1 and 2. McCarty McCarty.Credit
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual, 2017, Preamble. NAIC APPM, Preamble NAIC.APPM
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual, 2017, Statement of Statutory Accounting Principles 5R, “Liabilities, Contingencies and Impairment of Assets,” paragraphs 1-12, 26-29, and 33-34. This material is available in Appendix IV of the COPLFR P&C Practice Note. NAIC SSAP 5R NAIC.SSAP-5R
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual, 2017, Statement of Statutory Accounting Principles 9, “Subsequent Events,” paragraphs 1-8. This material is available in Appendix IV of the COPLFR P&C Practice Note. NAIC SSAP 9 NAIC.SSAP-9
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual, 2017, Statement of Statutory Accounting Principles 53, “Property Casualty Contracts—Premiums,” paragraphs 1-18. This material is available in Appendix IV of the COPLFR P&C Practice Note. NAIC SSAP 53 NAIC.SSAP-53
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual, 2017, Statement of Statutory Accounting Principles 55, “Unpaid Claims, Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses,” paragraphs 1-6 and 10-17. This material is available in Appendix IV of the COPLFR P&C Practice Note. NAIC SSAP 55 NAIC.SSAP-55
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual, 2017, Statement of Statutory Accounting Principles 62R, “Property and Casualty Reinsurance,” paragraphs 1-90. This material is available in Appendix IV of the COPLFR P&C Practice Note. NAIC SSAP 62R NAIC.SSAP-62R
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual, 2017, Statement of Statutory Accounting Principles 65, “Property and Casualty Contracts,” paragraphs 1-46. This material is available in Appendix IV of COPLFR P&C Practice Note. NAIC SSAP 65 NAIC.SSAP-65
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, “NAIC Insurance Regulatory Information System (IRIS) Ratios Manual,” 2017, Section II, Property/Casualty Ratios, pp. 5-26. NAIC IRIS NAIC.IRIS
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Official 2017 NAIC Annual Statement Blanks, Property and Casualty, (both individual and consolidated basis), pp. 2-13, Notes to the Financial Statement p. 14 (refer to the Odomirok paper for the Notes to cover); Schedules D (pp. SI03 through SI09), F (pp. 20-29), H (pp.30-32), and P (pp. 33-93). Candidates will be expected to have knowledge of other sections of the annual statement that are discussed in other Syllabus readings. Candidates are not responsible for page numbers. [The “Notes to the Financial Statement” are cited for reference only. Candidates are responsible for the Notes as described in the Odomirok reading where the Notes are referenced by title. If the 2017 Annual Statement and the study materials differ, candidates may base their answers on either.] NAIC Annual Statement NAIC.Annual
National Association of Insurance Commissioners Official Annual Statement Examples: The following companies post their annual statements online. Candidates may use these (or their own company’s statements) as illustrations to better understand the annual statement but are not responsible for any company-specific data: (1) Travelers and (2) the Liberty Mutual Group. NAIC Annual Statement Examples NAIC.AnnualExs
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Casualty Actuarial and Statistical Task Force, Price Optimization White Paper, November 2015, pp. 1-16. NAIC Price NAIC.Price
NAIC White Paper, “The U.S. National State-Based System of Insurance Regulation and the Solvency Modernization Initiative,” 2013. Candidates are not responsible for the following: • Section 2: paragraphs 15-18, 26-28, 32-34, 41-42, Appendix 1, and Appendix 2; • Section 3: paragraphs 9, 13-15, 23-32, and 38-39; • Section 4; and • Section 5: paragraphs 9, 20-29, 30-45, and 61-86. NAIC Solvency Regulatory Framework NAIC.Solvency
Odomirok, K.C., et al., Financial Reporting Through the Lens of a Property/ Casualty Actuary, Casualty Actuarial Society, 2014, Edition 4, excluding Part VII [Canadian Introduction and Canadian Chapters 27-29 (pp. 335-362)] and Appendix II. Including Errata. CAS Financial Reporting [[]]
Porter, K., Insurance Regulation, Insurance Institute of America, 2008, Chapters 2 (exclude pp. 2.19-2.29), 3 (exclude pp. 3.21 starting at Other Interest Groups -3.25), 4 (exclude pp. 4.16-4.23), 5 (exclude pp. 5.12-5.22), 6 (pp. 6.11-6.17), 8 (pp. 8.3-8.6 and 8.12-8.15), and 12 (exclude pp. 12.12-12.17). Porter 1 [[]]
Porter, K., Insurance Regulation, Insurance Institute of America, 2008, Chapter 12 (pp. 12.12-12.17). Porter 2 [[]]
Vaughan, T.M., “The Economic Crisis and Lessons from (and for) U.S. Insurance Regulation,” Journal of Insurance Regulation, National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Fall/Winter, Volume 28, No. 1, 2009. Vaughan (Economic Crisis)
Webel, B., “Terrorism Risk Insurance: Issue Analysis and Overview of Current Program,” Congressional Research Service, July 23, 2014, pp. 5-11. Webel 1 Webel.TRIA-1
Webel, B., “Terrorism Risk Insurance Legislation the 114th Congress: Issue Summary and Side-by-Side Analysis,” Congressional Research Service, January 20, 2015, Summary page and pp. 1-3. Webel 2 Webel.TRIA-2