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This reading is an extremely detailed presentation of discounting loss reserves for tax purposes and is being removed from the syllabus for 2019.Fall. Still, you should at least know how to do the exam problems listed below. They aren't too hard if you've covered Odomirok.26-Taxes.


Study Tip

If you can do the exam problems, you should be fine. The calculation and other relevant material are explained in Odomirok Chapter 26 - Discounting for Taxes


Based on past exams, the main things you need to know (in rough order of importance) are:

  • how to calculate the loss reserve discount factor using Schedule P, Part 1
  • how to determine whether a company should use a discount factor derived from their own Schedule P or one derived from industry data
reference part (a) part (b) part (c) part (d)
E (2017.Spring #21) discounting & TBI:
- calculate
E (2014.Fall #16) payment pattern:
- company vs IRS

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