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  • Is there a good reason why reinsurance premiums recoverable (pg. 2 line 16) is not subtracted out of total investable assets (under the same logic that we subtract out AB because it is not actually held by the insurer)?
  • Does the fact that we subtract out medical and non tabular imply that the given PHS must be based on discounted loss reserves? After all, the statutory surplus does not consider non tabular discounts (although it does consider tabular discounts for …
  • Can you please explain how, under GAAP, deferred acquisition costs are considered an __asset __that is amortized rather than an _expense _that is deferred and amoritzed over time to match incoming earned premium.
  • I have a question regarding how the balance sheet is affected by retroactive reinsurance and a run-off agreement. For retroactive reinsurance, the answer is -Consideration paid will decrease assets. For a run-off agreement -Consideration paid …
    in 2013 17 c Comment by bbergman April 2023
  • The same update needs to be applied on the Battlecard (#9 on full quiz)
  • In what situation would the actuary expect to have a premium reserve deficiency? Why would an actuary not trust the UEP to be sufficient for losses that have not yet occurred? Doesn't the UEP already takes into account the expected future value of l…