IRIS Ratios Usual Ranges

Is there any reason that IRIS ratios 1-4 lists the unusual ranges while IRIS ratios 5-13 lists the usual ranges? It kinda throws me off when studying and I think it would be easier to be consistent and just use usual ranges for all the ratios. I know you put a lot of time into making things easier to memorize, so I was wondering if I was missing a reason why doing it the way you have it makes it easier to study? Thanks!


  • I agree that's confusing but that's the way they do it in the IRIS ratios source text. I've actually looked at this before to see if I could figure out why it's like that but I couldn't come up with anything. :/

  • Oh interesting! I hadn't made it to the source text for that chapter yet. Thanks!

  • You know something - I'm glad you asked about this. It appears that in the most recent version of the IRIS ratios source text, they restated the ranges for IRIS ratios 1-4 as usual instead of unusual. They must have realized it was inconsistent with the ranges given for the other ratios and they decided to change it. I had not noticed that until I double-checked based on your forum post.

    Thanks for asking! I will amend the wiki.

  • Oh good, glad I'm not the only one who thought that was confusing! Lol

  • Apparently not!

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