No Free Surplus

What are we supposed to write in the practice template when there is no free surplus? I keep putting 0, and the solution says "no free surplus" but my answer is marked incorrect. Also tried, "no free surplus", "none", "n/a" and a blank.


  • Sorry about that. I made a typo in the javascript code for that page. It should accept 0 now.

  • Thanks!

  • Can you double-check the code? It seems to always accept 0 as an answer currently.

  • Should be ok now. Thx.

  • Hi! I'm having an issue with the risk margin in the template. No matter what I put in, it's always wrong. Even using the cheat button, and entering in exactly what the solution is, it still comes back incorrect. I've tried all different types of rounding as well. I'm wondering if others are getting the same error as me?

  • Can you take a screen shot of it so I can see what's going on?

    Note that for the action, you only need to enter the first letter even though the answer spells it out in full. Also, don't use commas for the numerical entries.

  • Here is the solution given when you press the "cheat" button:

    And here is what happens when you enter in the information and hit submit:

  • That's strange. It seems to only do that if you press the Cheat button first. I just tweaked something in the code and it seems to work for me now. Is it ok for you?

  • It seems to be working for me now! Thank you!

  • the excel example problems have negative free surplus in the solutions. So I just want to make sure I answer this correctly would it be 0 or the negative number?

    0 seems more logical to me since if the IRFS assets are less than the solvency capital requirements then the company has no assets that are above what they need to have.

  • Which excel example problem?

  • I had the same question - in the Excel Practice Templates you can download from the wiki a couple of questions had negative free surplus, which I thought was weird. On the exam, would I want to put 0 (or n/a) or a negative number if I ran into that situation?

  • These problems were generated randomly so sometimes inputs are created that couldn't actually happen in the real world. I will adjust the randomization so that doesn't happen. If this type of question comes up on the exam, you shouldn't get a negative free surplus.

  • Problems 2 and 3 on the Excel practice problems (and solutions) still have negative free surplus listed.

  • Yes, just ignore that. If you can do the calculation and get the answer provided (even thought it's negative) then you'll be fine. It's the process that's important in those examples.

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