Spring 2017 #14

I notice there were two sample accepted solutions. In one they only used the "> 90 Days Past Due" rows in the data table to calculate the "recoverable on paid over 90 days" and the other solution they added the "> 90 Days Past Due" row and the "> 120 Days Past Due" row.

Is this just they allowing for different interpretations of what was given in the table. (Either >90 Days Past Due includes or excludes >120 Days Past Due.


  • Yes. Schedule F Part 3 columns 38 to 41 divide up overdue on paid into mutually exclusive buckets. The table in the question was sloppy and did not adhere to the Sch F convention for these. So, they must have allowed for different interpretations in this way.

  • The calculations question in the Question Bank that is modeled after this is similarly unclear. Perhaps it should be clarified?

  • he fact that the examiners allowed for the different interpretations makes a case that there is no need for further clarification in the Question Bank version.

  • The Question Bank version marks only one interpretation correct. The other interpretation gets marked wrong, even though it is technically also correct.

  • We are discussing, will let you know.

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