Battle Card 72

"based on IRIS 1 & 2, why might a regulator be concerned"

I feel like this question really belongs in the NAIC.IRIS battlecards.


  • 2018.Fall.18 is a majority RBC question, that's why the IRIS part got tagged along.

  • I have just noticed problems broken up between sections before. Especially when the part has no connection to the previous parts as is the case with this one. Just a suggestion.

  • Thanks, we will tend to it.

  • It was a while ago I did this but I think the reason I didn't divide that one between NAIC.IRIS and Odomirok.RBC is that the IRIS reading comes first in the Ranking Table, so if I had put the IRIS ratio question subpart with the IRIS reading, people wouldn't have been able to do it because it requires material from RBC which comes later.

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