Battle Card 10

describe the extent of subsidization in crop insurance pricing (thx agnichatter!)

Answer: premiums are subsidized by RMA (Risk Management Agency of the U.S. Dept of Agriculture)

This seems to contradict battle card 13 and the text that says it is the federal government that pays the subsidies.
Also, the exam problem linked to the card says the federal government as well not the RMA.


  • You're right that a literal reading of the Germani text doesn't explicitly say that RMA is the arm of the federal government that provides premium subsidies, but it's easy to verify that online.

    You're also right that this produces a contradiction given the examiner's report answer to 2019-Fall-Q7:

    The question (and answer) provided really doesn't make sense because the RMA is part of the federal government, not distinct from it. I think the exam question was implying that the non-RMA part of the federal government is involved in certain aspects of crop insurance apart from RMA but as far as I can tell, this is not the case. The source text also makes it seem that might be the case but I think it just wasn't worded very well.

    I will link to this thread from the wiki, but I'm not otherwise sure how to resolve this. (I'll put the link in a footnote to the BattleTable for that wiki article.)

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