Dividends to Stockholders - Surplus Change

I'm confused with how Stockholder Dividends affect Surplus.

In the Liberty Mutual Income Statement, the "Dividends to Stockholders" on line 35 decreases the surplus. However, in the exam problem 2018_Fall_Q16, "Dividends to Stockholders" increases the surplus.

Clearly there's something I don't understand. Where am I confused?



  • In the version I'm looking at, "Dividends to Stockholders" is shown in parentheses which means it's a negative value. (So including it in the sum of lines 22 to 37 would cause a decrease in surplus.)

    "Dividends to Stockholders" is money out the door so intuitively it has to result in a decrease to surplus.

  • P.S. Sorry it took me a few days to post this. I had written my answer but then forgot to click "Post Comment" so it was sitting in my drafts folder.

  • Thanks! I now see where my confusion came from...

    For F18_Q16 in the examiner's report, the surplus change was calculated as this:

    IEE’s Profit: 106 (=402+187-278-30+227)
    Cap Gains Tax: -72
    FIT: -83
    Change in Nonadm Assets: +41 = -(150-191
    Change in Prov for Rein: +51 = -(134-185)
    Change in Net Unreal Cap Gns: -46
    Div to SH: 105
    Change in PHS: -108

    Which looks like they were adding the dividend. They forgot to add a minus sign here, even though they subtracted the 105 in the list of items to get the surplus change as -108.

  • edited September 2019

    Oh yes. I didn't actually notice the missing "-" sign. My brain just subtracted it automatically. I will add a footnote in the wiki about that. Thx! (This problem is listed in the BattleTable for the NAIC.IRIS reading because the overall goal of this problem is to calculate IRIS 7.)

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