Exhibit E of AOS

This questions says the AA MUST produce both the range and point estimate in the AOS because they have calculated both. I dont understand, how would anyone know if they HAVE calculated it so how must they be required to produce both?


  • edited April 2023

    I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. The question specifically states that the AA has calculated both. The answer is then that the AA must also include include both when they complete the AOS.

    It's the AA who calculates the range and/or the point estimate and it's the AA who completes the AOS. It's the same person, so they would know what they've done.

  • The "must" is what is throwing me off here. Why MUST they produce both if both are not required in the AOS?

  • That's just the rule. If the AA did not calculate a range, then the AOS doesn't require a range. But if the AA did calculate a range, then it must be included (along with the point estimate.)

  • I gotcha, noted. Sorry for the confusion, I was just going based off the Odomirok SAO wiki.

  • Oh, ok. I'll edit that to make it clearer. Thx.

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