mini Battlequiz 2 - how to calculate ceded reserves before commutation?

In the calculation question, step 2 states to calculate net ultimate after commutation = (net paid after commutation) + (net reserve before commutation) + (ceded reserve before commutation)

However, if we are given ceded paid losses before commutation and net reserves before commutation, how would one calculate the value for "ceded reserve before commutation"?


  • Which question in mini BattleQuiz 2 are you referring to?

  • Nevermind on my question - after noticing there was an Excel practice problems section I was able to find the solution on there.

    I was referring originally to question 7, and the answer was to use the equation "ceded reserve =gross reserve * reinsurance quota %" to calculate the ceded reserve before commutation directly from the gross reserve before commutation triangle.

  • Ok then, good.

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