Part E of AOS

In the source text it says on page 112 that "if fewer than three years fail the test, then the actuary is not required to comment but may wish to include a sentence such as the following for clarity." Then in the Battle Acts Manual under the Chapter 17 of Odomirok it says that if there hasn't been more than 3 years of adverse development then the actuary must state this fact. I think these two statements contradict each other.


  • You are correct and I have edited the wiki and BattleCard accordingly. Thank you.

    I had originally written that based on personal experience. The reason is that if there was no adverse development but the AA doesn't state that fact, then the reader has to realize the comment on adverse development was missing and infer the correct conclusion. It's much easier for the reader if it's explicitly stated one way or the other on whether there has been adverse development.

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