SAO Exhibit B Item 14


COPLFR mentions Item 14 in Exhibit B several times, such as in Chapter 5.16 Other Items, but I can't find Item 14 from study materials. Does/should Item 14 exist? COPLFR is supposed to be the basis and correct, but it's so weird that not only BattleActs but also other company's study manuals don't mention Item 14 at all.


  • First just a reminder that COPLFR is the main source for SAO material but there are also 2 others:

    • Odomirok Chapter 16 (SAO) & 17 (AOS)
    • ASOP 36 also overlaps with chapters 16 & 17 of Odomirok as well as COPLFR

    Second, there is an inconsistency between Chapter 16 of Odomirok and COPLFR.

    • Chapter 16 of Odomirok provides an example of Exhibit B but this example shows only 13 items.
    • COPLFR shows 14 items

    The first 12 items are the same but item 13 in COPLFR discusses A&H Long Duration Contracts. This is missing from Odomirok - they list Other Items as item 13. COPLFR shows item 14 as Other Items.

    Note that the 13 items Odomirok lists in Exhibit B are part of the BA wiki content in Chapter 16 of Odomirok, but you have to click on the exhibit to view it. Here's a link to the relevant section of the wiki:

    Third, and this makes some people a little nervous, but the details of Exhibit B are not usually tested. It's a good idea to at be generally familiar with the kinds of disclosures listed in Exhibit B, but I very much doubt you would need to be able to identify specific items by name. I scanned past exams and found references to Exhibit B in just 3 questions:

    • 2017.Fall Q26d
    • 2014.Spring Q25a
    • 2013.Fall Q25b

    These problems give you a good idea of the level of detail you would need to know for Exhibit B and require no more than a general overview of what's included. It would be extremely unlikely to be asked to reproduce Exhibit B in the same way you might be asked to reproduce SAO Exhibit A or AOS items A-E.

    Fourth, there is too much detail in COPLFR to include in the wiki articles. COPLFR is 120 pages long and the purpose of the wiki is to give you a solid foundation regarding the SAO. You should then do all the old exam problems (see BattleTables for a convenient summary and links to each individual problem) but also refer to the COPLFR text while you're doing these old problems. COPLFR is well-written and since this is the most heavily tested topic, I highly recommend you use this source text. (For many lower-ranked readings, you don't have to use the source text, but the SAO is just too important.)

    A successful exam strategy for the SAO (as well as other parts of the syllabus) is to study past exams very thoroughly. Then use judgment as to what you think might be asked in the future that hasn't been asked in the past. That's basically what I've done in creating the study guide content. If you cover that core material properly you will have an excellent chance of passing. And covering the material properly means lots and lots and lots of repetition, both on memory items and calculations. You should know the past 4-5 exams backwards and forwards. (The more old exams you can cover thoroughly, the better, but it's better to cover fewer old exams thoroughly than more old exams superficially.) And for the SAO, you should probably do all the old exam questions.

    Anyway, that was probably a much longer answer than you expected, but I always like to take the opportunity to emphasize exam strategy as well as answering the specific question that was asked.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions.

  • This recap of exam strategy is really useful since I was behind my planned schedule and needed more efficient strategy. Thanks a lot for taking time to leave me thorough answers and advices!

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