Calculating the Tax-Basis Income - Terms

edited September 2022 in Odomirok.26-Taxes

the equations for Tax-Basis EP & Tax-Basis Incurred Loss use the following terms (listed in the artical):
PL = Paid Loss (during year)
IL = Incurred Loss (during year)
L^D = Losses after Discounting
D = Discount amount (= difference between undiscounted and discounted losses = IL – LD)

I'm trying to understand in the equation the what the "chg" represents?

the first example give loss at 7,000
and the irs discount rate as 5%
chg(L^D) = 7000/(1.05)

so why isn't the chg(L^D) for CY+1 not
chg(L^D) = (0-7000)/(1.05^2)
since we need to discount back another year? (like the investment income getting another year of interest)


  • I think I just figured it out it's the change in the losses after discounting, so if the loss had been paid out in CY+2
    then the chg(L^D) for CY+1 would be
    (7000/(1.05^2)) - (7000/1.05)

  • and after reading a the next section L really stands for Loss Reserves not Loss as that would be reserves + paid amounts

  • Yes, what you say is essentially correct.

  • I came to the same conclusion as mec06e after spending some time scratching my head.. Please could the wiki be updated to say
    L^D = Losses Loss Reserves after Discounting

  • Changed, thx!

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