does Schedule F, Part 3 use the same groups or categories as Part 1? explain.

Yes, but Schedule F also SEPARATES authorized, unauthorized, and certified reinsurers

was this supposed to say Part 3 also separates?


  • Part 1 does not separate authorized, unauthorized and certified reinsurers, whereas Part 3 does.

  • thanks, I think that battle card needs to be updated since it just says Sch F - I copied and pasted the Q & A straight from the card

  • Can you point out which battle card this is, so that I can check?

  • edited September 2022

    the title to this thread is the battle Card question. the first line in my initial post was the battle card answer. looks like it is in quiz 1 for Odomirok.14-F

  • Yes, that answer is meant to read "Schedule F Part 3." We'll correct it, thanks.

  • I corrected the Odomirok.14-F BattleCard.

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