wikiarticles mapping to syllabus learning objectives

I'm trying to create a mapping of the wikiarticles to the learning objectives in the Fall 2022 Spring 2023 syllabus. Some of these are obvious, for example, reading 29 Kucera.Credit would fit into learning objective A1, reading 18 Vaughan.Crisis fits into A2, and so on. But it gets more difficult when trying to map which odomirok (or Porter) wikiarticles map to which learning objectives.
I would like to do this so I can keep a checklist of which learning objectives I have covered. Is there a list already out here somewhere?


  • Yes, it's not always obvious which learning objective a reading should go with because some readings are listed under multiple objectives. I didn't do a mapping before because it didn't seem helpful in studying but now that the grade report subscores are grouped by learning objective, it's probably something useful to have.

    I will take a look and put something together as best I can.

  • Awesome. Thank you Graham!

  • Sorry for the delay in getting you this information. I decided to do some coding on the website rather than just give you a hardcopy list. There's a new link on the Main Page in the "Combat Training" box.

    Here are 2 more direct links to the old "Quiz Scores" page but now there is a new column showing Learning Objective (LO) and there are 2 different ways you can sort the table.

    I hope that helps guide your studying.

  • I will use this to organize my notes and checklists. Thank you!

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