BattleCard Filter doesn't show all cards

edited April 2022 in General

Hi, I find that the battlecard filter actually shows fewer questions than the Full Battlequiz of each reading. Some questions are missing from the battlecard filter. For example, Odomirok.8-9-IS, "2018.Fall 10" is in the full Battlequiz but not in the battlecard filters. I don't know if this is due to my selections.

Here is the link for the full Battlequiz of Odomirok.8-9-IS, which has 64 cards of higher probability.**&filter=both&sortOrder=natural&colorFlag=allFlag&colorStatus=allStatus&priority=importance-high&subsetFlag=miniQuiz&prefix=Odomirok&suffix=8-9-IS&section=all&subSection=all&examRep=all&examYear=all&examTerm=all&quizNum=all

This is the link for Battlecard filter of Odomirok.8-9-IS, which has 60 cards if I select both of lower & higher probability. However, there are no cards of lower probability shown by this filter.,10.0)[0.0;512.0]&filter=both&sortOrder=natural&colorFlag=allFlag&colorStatus=allStatus&priority=importance-both&prefix=all&suffix=all&section=all&subSection=all&subsetFlag=default&examRep=all&examYear=all&examTerm=all&quizNum=0&select07=none&select08=0&select09=0


  • edited April 2022

    The code was originally set to not show duplicate questions. For example, if there were 3 exam questions that asked you to calculate surplus, the BattleCard filter would only show the most recent. That was an old feature that is no longer required because of subsequent changes I made to how the system works. I had just forgotten to remove that feature. I've fixed it so the filter should now always show at least as many BattleCards as the Full BattleQuiz. Thanks for noticing this.

  • I think the battle card filters on color coding aren't working properly.
    I color coded a bunch of cards to aqua, when I select all reading sections "Select All"
    and the color aqua nothing is coming up (i did a quick look and in the first few lessons alone I have well over 10 I coded aqua
    my orange color is returning 1 card (and I can see more then one in a quick search)

  • edited January 2023

    ok I think I found the problem, the time laps is auto set at a max 10 days

    could the defaults for the selections groups be set in a way that all cards show unless something else is selected?

  • edited January 2023

    I changed it to 2^9 or 512.

    (That's roughly 1-1/2 years, which is not quite what you asked but that was the simplest coding change to make without having to also change a bunch of other things. If it is still an issue however, I can do it.)

    P.S. You have to logout to clear your session variables for the change to take effect.

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