Question 2014.Fall E2e

edited December 2021 in McCarty.Credit

This question asks for 2 IRIS ratios. Searching the key words (IRIS, COR, reserve) I don't see this info in the McCarty reading. Where can I find the info for this? (I mainly want to make sure I'm understanding how BattleActs is set up)



  • This was one of those "Bloom's Taxonomy" questions that covered more than one reading. It was largely about credit which is why I put it in that particular wiki article, but you need to refer to other wiki articles also to fully understand the solution.

    If you look in the BattleTable at the link below, you'll see the entry for part (e) of that exam question has a link to the wiki article on IRIS ratios:

    I hope that answers your question. Let me know if it doesn't.

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