2014.Spring 23 a

I'm not following how to calculate the cuml paid as of for 2010 (i.e. 1-yr later of 8,250, 2-yr later of 16,450) and 2011 (i.e. 1-yr later of 10,250), could you write out the math?



  • edited March 2020

    It is a bit confusing. Here is how you get it:


    • = sum of paid amounts from end of 2010 to end of 2011 on AY 2009 and AY 2010
    • = (10,100 - 6,750) + (8,200 - 3,300)
    • = 3,350 + 4,900
    • = 8250


    • = sum of paid amounts from end of 2010 to end of 2012 on AY 2009 and AY 2010
    • = (11,700 - 6,750) + (14,800 - 3,300)
    • = 4,950 + 11,500
    • = 16,450


    • = sum of paid amounts from end of 2011 to end of 2012 on AY 2009, AY 2010, AY 2011
    • = (11,700 - 10,100) + (14,800 - 8,200) + (6,300 - 4,250)
    • = 1,600 + 6,600 + 2,050
    • = 10,250
  • I'm wondering if this example should have a footnote in the BattleTables saying it's not relevant anymore cuz this table was removed from the reading. (I spent way too much time trying to figure it out till I realized that I don't need to :smile: )

  • Yes, that's a good suggestion. Thx! Sorry you wasted time on that.

    (I had marked it as outdated in the BattleCards and in the appropriate section in the wiki but I forgot to put a footnote in the BattleTable and change the cell color to orange.)

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