Exam Summaries

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2022 Spring

Note: Thank you to everyone who submitted their grade report. The number of grade reports now seems credible and the statistics aren't changing with the inclusion of additional grade reports.

The following estimate is based on currently available grade reports submitted from unsuccessful candidates:

Estimated %-score required to pass Exam 6U in 2022-Spring 69.2%

Exam summaries as provided for 2019-Fall and earlier are no longer available because the CAS has stopped publishing exams and providing detailed grade reports to unsuccessful candidates. The grade reports currently provided to unsuccessful candidates now show only a 10% score range for each major learning objective. For example: Section A: 60-70%. Here are the average scores for each section across all candidates from whom we received a grade report:

Section Learning Objective Average Score
A Regulation of Insurance and U.S. Insurance Law 88%
B Government & Industry Insurance Programs 68%
C Financial Reporting & Taxation 60%
D Professional Responsibilities 75%
E Reinsurance Accounting Principles 44%

Score distribution and number of score reports received:

Candidate Score Number of Candidates
not provided 2
0 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 7
5 7
Total 16

2019 Fall

Based on user feedback, the BattleCards corresponding to the 2019.Fall exam will NOT be loaded into the BattleActs database until after the 2020.Spring exam. This is to provide the opportunity for practice on a fresh exam prior to your real exam.

2019.Fall Avg Scores - All Candidates ← AVAILABLE

link reference paper tested topic type of problem
E (2019.Fall #1) NAIC.Telematics UBI: benefits & concerns essay
E (2019.Fall #2) Dearie.Excess surplus lines: advantages, regulatory requirements essay
E (2019.Fall #3) Vaughan.Crisis regulation: judging effectiveness, reasons for failure, strengths of U.S. system essay
E (2019.Fall #4) Porter.12-Insolvency insolvency: types of corrective action by commissioner essay
E (2019.Fall #5) Feldblum.Ratings, Odomirok.19-RBC financial strength ratings: uses, capital requirements, comparison to RBC essay
E (2019.Fall #6) Porter.2-Devlpt legal: Paul v VA, SEUA case, McCarran-Ferguson Act essay
E (2019.Fall #7) Germani.GovtIns crop insurance: private/public roles, RMAs, social welfare systems essay
E (2019.Fall #8) Horn2018.Flood flood insurance: FEMA & NFIP, private flood insurance (issues & barriers) essay
E (2019.Fall #9) Cook.Personal ARPs: social purpose, FAIR plans: uninsurable exposures, DIC policy essay
E (2019.Fall #10) Germani.GovtIns WC: impacts of lack of WC, federal & state WC programs essay
E (2019.Fall #11) Odomirok.6-7-BS, Odomirok.8-9-IS calculate: U/W income, year-end liabilities calc
E (2019.Fall #12) Odomirok.6-7-BS, Odomirok.8-9-IS calculate: total assets (and give an example of a non-admitted asset) calc
E (2019.Fall #13) Odomirok.8-9-IS, NAIC.SSAP-62R reinsurance accounting: impact on Income Statement essay
E (2019.Fall #14) Odomirok.15-P calculate: closure rates, average case O/S: calculation, importance, cautions essay / calc
E (2019.Fall #15) Odomirok.14-F calculate: reinsurance provision, describe: mapping between B/S & Schedule F essay / calc
E (2019.Fall #16) Odomirok.10-Notes notes to fin. stmts.: structured settlements, high deducs, credit risk, uncoll. reins. essay
E (2019.Fall #17) NAIC.IRIS calculate: IRIS ratios 4 & 9 calc
E (2019.Fall #18) Odomirok.19-RBC, NAIC.IRIS calculate: RBC R2 charge, interpret: RBC trend test, IRIS 5 calc
E (2019.Fall #19) Odomirok.19-RBC calculate: compnents of R4 charge, L+LAE resv, interpret: impact of new LOB on R4 essay / calc
E (2019.Fall #20) Odomirok.6-7-BS, Odomirok.22-23-GAAP calculate: SAP & GAAP bonds values, interpret: SAP vs GAAP essay / calc
E (2019.Fall #21) Odomirok.22-23-GAAP calculate: goodwill, interpret: impact of sale on GAAP, goodwill under SAP & GAAP essay / calc
E (2019.Fall #22) Odomirok.16-17-SAO, COPLFR.SAO SAO: language for OPINION, items in Exhibit B essay
E (2019.Fall #23) Odomirok.16-17-SAO, COPLFR.SAO SAO: materiality, RMAD, subsequent events (see NAIC.SSAP-62R) essay / calc
E (2019.Fall #24) Odomirok.16-17-SAO, COPLFR.SAO SAO, AOS, Actuarial Report: users, purpose, public or confidential essay
E (2019.Fall #25) Odomirok.16-17-SAO, COPLFR.SAO SAO: disclosures in SCOPE section, provide an OPINION essay
E (2019.Fall #26) Klann.ReinsComm, Odomirok.10-Notes commutations: definition, impact on losses & reserves, ann. stmt. disclosures 1 essay
E (2019.Fall #27) Freihaut.Reins risk transfer tests: 10-10 rule, ERD rule, pitfalls in a risk transfer test (reinsurer expenses) essay
1 The answer to part (c) of this problem in the examiners' report likely contains an error. According to the Klann source text, a commutation will distort the claim closure rates in Part 5 of the reinsurer’s Schedule P, since from the reinsurer’s standpoint a commuted claim is considered to be closed. No mention is made regarding distortion of the ceding insurer's closure rates.

2019 Spring

Based on user feedback, the BattleCards corresponding to the 2019.Spring exam will NOT be loaded into the BattleActs database until after the 2019.Fall exam. This is to provide the opportunity for practice on a fresh exam prior to your real exam.

2019.Spring Avg Scores - All Candidates

link reference paper tested topic type of problem
E (2019.Spring #1) NAIC.Telematics UBI: benefits & concerns essay
E (2019.Spring #2) Porter.5-Opns-State, Porter.8-Rates rate filings: disapproval, level of regulatory scrutiny essay
E (2019.Spring #3) NAIC.Solvency, Porter.12-Insolvency insolvencies: reasons, stages of regulatory intervention, slow regulatory response essay
E (2019.Spring #4) Porter.2-Devlpt regulation: Paul v VA, U.S. v SEUA, NAIC recommendations essay
E (2019.Spring #5) Porter.2-Devlpt regulation: Clayton, Robinson-Patman, & McCarran-Ferguson Acts, NAIC model law essay
E (2019.Spring #6) Porter.12-Insolvency guaranty funds: how they work, coverage limitations, elimination essay
E (2019.Spring #7) Cook.Personal, Webel.TRIA-1 auto & terrorism: high-risk auto plans, TRIA (goals & loss-sharing) essay
E (2019.Spring #8) Germani.GovtIns, Horn2018.Flood WC, crop, flood: reasons for programs, subsidies, participation rates essay
E (2019.Spring #9) Odomirok.8-9-IS income statement: U/W income, investment income, bond value decrease calc
E (2019.Spring #10) Odomirok.8-9-IS, NAIC.IRIS calculate: SAP surplus, IRIS 9, identify: liquidity exhibits essay / calc
E (2019.Spring #11) Odomirok.15-P Schedule P: financial health, reserve adequacy essay
E (2019.Spring #12) Odomirok.18-IEE calculate: investment gain, describe: surplus allocation issues essay / calc
E (2019.Spring #13) Odomirok.19-RBC, Odomirok.16-17-SAO interpret: RBC ratio, calculate: materiality standard, R4, RBC ratio essay / calc
E (2019.Spring #14) NAIC.IRIS calculate: IRIS 10, 11, 12, 13 (and evaluate financial health) calc
E (2019.Spring #15) Odomirok.19-RBC calculate: R5 HARD calc
E (2019.Spring #16) Odomirok.22-23-GAAP fair value of liabilities: 3 required components under GAAP essay
E (2019.Spring #17) Odomirok.22-23-GAAP compare: SAP vs GAAP for various annual statement quantities essay
E (2019.Spring #18) Odomirok.16-17-SAO, COPLFR.SAO AOS: items A → E essay / easy calc
E (2019.Spring #19) Odomirok.16-17-SAO, COPLFR.SAO SAO: bright-line indicator test, RMAD essay / easy calc
E (2019.Spring #20) Odomirok.16-17-SAO, COPLFR.SAO SAO: id & opinion (language errors, qualified opinion, disclosures) essay
E (2019.Spring #21) Odomirok.16-17-SAO, COPLFR.SAO SAO: Exhibit A, language for SCOPE, disclosures (pooling, reins) essay / easy calc
E (2019.Spring #22) Odomirok.16-17-SAO, COPLFR.SAO SAO: opinion, RMAD, new business considerations essay / easy calc
E (2019.Spring #23) Freihaut.Reins, NAIC.SSAP-62R reinsurance: cash flows in a risk transfer test, accounting treatment essay
E (2019.Spring #24) Klann.ReinsComm commutations: price & taxation, motivation for commutation essay / HARD calc

2018 Fall

Based on user feedback, the BattleCards corresponding to the 2018.Fall exam will NOT be loaded into the BattleActs database until after the 2019.Spring exam. This is to provide the opportunity for practice on a fresh exam prior to your real exam.

But for reference, here is a listing of topics and questions for 2018.Fall

link reference paper tested topic type of problem
E (2018.Fall #1) NAIC.Price price optimization: regulation, permissibility under actuarial standards essay
E (2018.Fall #2) Porter.5-Opns-State, Porter.12-Insolvency financial exams, capital & surplus, rehab vs liquidation essay
E (2018.Fall #3) Porter.2-Devlpt, McCarty.Credit McCarran-Ferguson Act, shortcomings of credit scores essay
E (2018.Fall #4) Feldblum.Ratings financial strength ratings: importance, stability, information-sharing essay
E (2018.Fall #5) Baribeau.Regs Dodd-Frank: Federal Insurance Office functions & impact essay
E (2018.Fall #6) Horn.Flood NFIP: ways of selling, types of subsudies essay
E (2018.Fall #7) Cook.Personal residual markets: placing risks, loss allocation, FAIR plans essay
E (2018.Fall #8) Webel.TRIA-1 terrorism: federal/state/private roles, goals of TRIA essay
E (2018.Fall #9) Germani.GovtIns WC: ads/disds of exclusive state fund, WC residual market essay
E (2018.Fall #10) Odomirok.8-9-IS calculate: value of investments, surplus, balance sheet impact of events calc
E (2018.Fall #11) Odomirok.8-9-IS calculate: investment income, U/W income, PDR essay / calc
E (2018.Fall #12) Odomirok.15-P Schedule P: reporting conventions by line, interpretation of reinsurance essay
E (2018.Fall #13) Odomirok.15-P Schedule P: calculate reserve adequacy, considerations essay / calc
E (2018.Fall #14) Odomirok.18-IEE, Odomirok.8-9-IS calculate: unpaid loss, incurred loss, U/W gain calc
E (2018.Fall #15) Odomirok.14-F calculate: provision for reinsurance, strategies to reduce essay / calc
E (2018.Fall #16) NAIC.IRIS, Odomirok.8-9-IS calculate: IRIS 7 (you also need to calc surplus, see Odomirok) calc
E (2018.Fall #17) NAIC.IRIS calculate: IRIS 13, identify reserve adequacy concerns essay / calc
E (2018.Fall #18) Odomirok.19-RBC, NAIC.IRIS calculate: RBC ratio, action level & actions, regulator concerns essay / calc
E (2018.Fall #19) Odomirok.8-9-IS, Odomirok.22-23-GAAP SAP versus GAAP: intended users, differences between SAP & GAAP essay
E (2018.Fall #20) Odomirok.25-Solv2 calculate: technical provisions, items required by ORSA essay / calc
E (2018.Fall #21) Odomirok.16-17-SAO, COPLFR.SAO SAO: Exhibit A, AOS Exhibits A-D, type of opinion essay / calc
E (2018.Fall #22) Odomirok.16-17-SAO, COPLFR.SAO SAO: language for opinion & relevant comments, materiality standard essay / calc
E (2018.Fall #23) Odomirok.16-17-SAO, COPLFR.SAO SAO: identify location of given text & errors, type of opinion essay
E (2018.Fall #24) Odomirok.16-17-SAO, COPLFR.SAO SAO: identify required disclosures in SAO & AOS essay
E (2018.Fall #25) Freihaut.Reins risk transfer methods: 10-10 rule, ERD rule essay / calc
E (2018.Fall #26) Klann.ReinsComm commutation: definition, motivation essay

2018 Spring

Based on user feedback, the BattleCards corresponding to the 2018.Spring exam will NOT be loaded into the BattleActs database until after the 2018.Fall exam. This is to provide the opportunity for practice on a fresh exam prior to your real exam.

link reference paper tested topic type of problem
E (2018.Spring #1) NAIC.Price price optimization: vs traditional ratemaking, discrimination, regulation, disclosures essay
E (2018.Spring #2) Porter.2-Devlpt surplus lines: exemption, regulation essay
E (2018.Spring #3) Vaughan.Crisis regulatory failure: forbearance, associated RBC action levels essay
E (2018.Spring #4) Porter.2-Devlpt regulation: Paul v VA, McCarran-Ferguson, state & federal regulation essay
E (2018.Spring #5) Porter.2-Devlpt regulation: Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act essay
E (2018.Spring #6) Cook.Personal residual markets: ARPs (assigned risk plans), JUAs (Joint U/W Associations) essay
E (2018.Spring #7) Porter.12-Insolvency guaranty funds: solvency regulation, insolvency, elimination of guaranty funds essay
E (2018.Spring #8) Cook.Personal, Germani.GovtIns government insurance: reasons for, beachfront & windstorm, FAIR plans essay
E (2018.Spring #9) Odomirok.14-F reinsurance: location of line items in balance sheet & income statement essay
E (2018.Spring #10) Odomirok.8-9-IS calculate: statutory income, discuss: expense allocation method essay / calc
E (2018.Spring #11) Odomirok.15-P Schedule P: net loss & expense ratio calc
E (2018.Spring #12) Feldblum.Surplus calculate: liquidate or continue operations calc
E (2018.Spring #13) Odomirok.12-5yr interpret: potential areas of concern (no calculations required) essay
E (2018.Spring #14) Odomirok.26-Taxes calculate: TBI (Tax-Basis Income) calc
E (2018.Spring #15) NAIC.IRIS calculate: IRIS 5, interpret: how a regulator might respond essay / calc
E (2018.Spring #16) NAIC.IRIS calculate: IRIS 1,2,4, interpret: how a regulator might respond essay / calc
E (2018.Spring #17) Odomirok.25-Solv2 3 pillars: governance pillar (4 functional areas) essay
E (2018.Spring #18) Odomirok.19-RBC calculate: RBC charge, discuss: excessive premium growth charge essay / calc
E (2018.Spring #19) Odomirok.22-23-GAAP calculate: surplus, describe: SAP vs GAAP, bond treatment under SAP essay / calc
E (2018.Spring #20) Odomirok.16-17-SAO, COPLFR.SAO AOS: contents (vs SAO), SOA: required sections, disclosures essay
E (2018.Spring #21) COPLFR.SAO SAO: disclosures (yes/no for 5 different situations) essay
E (2018.Spring #22) COPLFR.SAO SAO: work of others, disclosures for changes in assumptions/procedures essay
E (2018.Spring #23) COPLFR.SAO SAO: Schedule P, point estimate of reserves, opinion essay
E (2018.Spring #24) COPLFR.SAO AOS: items A,B,C,D,E, essay
E (2018.Spring #25) COPLFR.SAO SOA: materiality standard (considerations, language for RELEVANT COMMENTS) essay
E (2018.Spring #26) Freihaut.Reins risk transfer testing: 10-10 rule, substantially all rule, ERD method essay / calc
E (2018.Spring #27) NAIC.SSAP-62R reinsurance: benefits, prospective vs retroactive essay