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Based on past exams, the main things you need to know (in rough order of importance) are:

  • fact 1...
  • fact 2...
reference part (a) part (b) part (c) part (d)
E (2018.Spring #6) Assigned Risk Plan:
- describe ARPs
Joint U/W Associations:
- describe JUAs
operational diff of each
E (2018.Spring #8) see Germani.GovtIns government participation:
- beachfront/windstorm
FAIR plans:
- rationale, operation
E (2017.Fall #6) JUA vs ARP:
- loss-sharing, volatility
reinsurance facility:
- opns, servicing, profits
E (2017.Spring #6) rate change disapproved:
- insurer actions
impact of disapproval:
- on residual market size
residual vs voluntary mkt:
- policyholder impact
E (2017.Spring #7) reducing insurer risk:
- coverage restrictions
- risk assignment
see NAIC.Telematics
E (2016.Fall #8) high-risk driver programs:
- characteristics
auto residual market':
- describe 1 program
- purpose
- uninsurable risks
E (2016.Spring #8) RF vs JUA:
- why necessary
RF vs JUA:
- profit allocation
residual markets:
- why necessary
E (2015.Spring #8) reinsurance facility:
- advantages over ARP
(b) RF vs JUA similarity
(c) ARP vs JUA similarity
- least preferred
(e) state A vs B: res. mkt.
(f) state A vs B: insurer actions
E (2014.Spring #8)
E (2013.Fall #10) assignment of ins in JUA, RF & ARP
E (2012.Fall #13) AIP vs JUA argue for a program argue for a program

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In Plain English!

Alice the Actuary likes to drag race her Lamborghini down the city streets of Miami & L.A. She's a glamtastic adrenaline junkie and she has often told me,

"Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse."

Unfortunately, that makes it hella hard for her get auto insurance. She's been on the phone for the 60 days begging an agent to give her a policy, but no luck. She has no choice but to go to an Assigned Risk Plan (ARP) also called Auto Insurance Plan (AIP). These plans must all offer policies with the minimum statutory limits, although the particular insurer may offer higher limits if they wish. Alice declines the higher limits. Even the premiums for the minimum limits are steep.

Alice was still a little worried about being rejected by the ARP because she habitually violates the laws (speeding, reckless driving) but she managed to squeak by the underwriter. According to Cook, certain drivers are ineligible, even for the ARP, if:

  • they don't have a valid driver's licence
  • they have a felony conviction within the past 36 months
  • they habitually violate the law    <== that's the one Alice was sweating!

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