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==In Plain English!==
==In Plain English!==

Revision as of 19:17, 14 November 2018

Chapter 22 is about U.S. GAAP accounting. Chapter 23 is about Fair Value Under Purchase GAAP.


Pop Quiz


Based on past exams, the main things you need to know (in rough order of importance) are:

reference part (a) part (b) part (c) part (d)
E (2017.Fall #12) SAP: B/S & I/S items GAAP: B/S & I/S items
E (2017.Fall #19) GAAP: components of, and methodology for calculating, fair value of liabilities SAP v GAAP: goodwill
E (2017.Fall #20) SAP v GAAP: purpose SAP v GAAP: acquisition costs, nonadmitted assets
E (2016.Fall #18) calculate: GAAP value of goodwill using cost of capital (3.25 pts) SAP: calculation & amortization of goodwill
E (2016.Spring #15)
E (2014.Fall #15) calculate: surplus (6 pts)
E (2014.Fall #19) calculate: GAAP surplus (3.25 pts) SAP v GAAP: B/S items
E (2014.Spring #21) SAP v GAAP: intended user SAP v GAAP: DAC, discounting losses SAP v GAAP: justify part (b) given answer to part (a) general: why rent furniture (versus buy)
E (2014.Spring #22)
E (2014.Spring #23) calculate: 10-yr loss development table general: comment on accuracy of loss & DCC reserves
E (2012.Fall #23)


In Plain English!



