AA Signature

In Appendix I , back of Odomirok , we have the SAO. The AA signs, but omits his Employer's Name.
NAIS Section 6.1.1 requires the Employer's Name.

It seems that Odomitok was mistaken. Fine.
But more importantly, is that the level of detail for this exam?


  • That level of detail does seem to be required on the exam. Here are a few things you can take a look at...

    Use the link below to see a list of all past publishsed SAO exam problems. Then use cntrl-f to search the page for the word "error". This will show you all old exam problems where the problem provides some sort of verbiage from the SAO but contains errors. You then have to identify the errors. I could see a problem showing you the signature page but for example omitting the employer's name and requiring you to point that out as an error.

    As you have mentioned in your original post, section 6.1 of the COPLFR text shows the requirements for the signature line:

    It is indeed true that Odomirok mistakenly omits the employer's name in the signature section (the employer's name is provided only in the Identification Section.) So COPLFR should be regarded as the primary source for the SAO so if there are discrepancies between that and Odomirok, you should assume COPLFR is correct.

  • OK, thank you.

  • edited May 26

    You're very welcome. By the way, I'm building a comprehensive multiple choice question bank for the SAO. There is a question bank for the SAO already but it only has 12 questions. Given that the new question types are upcoming for 2024 Fall, I thought it would be helpful to build that out more fully.

    I'm also adding content and more practice problems to the SAO material to extend "Alice's Gentle Guided Pathway".

  • that's great, thank you so much!

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