timed out BattleActs

Layout of Financial Statements

myID_+ priorDate_+ record_+ WET_+ fadeFactor_

Identify the location (a,l,s,d,u,i,o,c) of these financial statement line items.

  current score:

item 1
item 1
item 1
item 1
item 1
item 1
item 1
item 1
item 1
item 1
a: (B/S) asset
l: (B/S) liability
s: (B/S) surplus
d: (B/S) details of write-ins
u: (I/S) U/W income
i: (I/S) investment income
o: (I/S) other income
c: (I/S) capital & surplus


Keep a sample Balance Sheet and Income Statement handy.

item 1
item 1
item 1
item 1
item 1
item 1
item 1
item 1
item 1
item 1